Green Philosophy - Best Western Plus Tower Hotel Bologna
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Being a modern and advanced hotel means for us to pursue a philosophy of ecological management and hospitality.
The purpose of the Best Western Plus Tower Hotel Bologna is to combine the comfort of a 4-star hotel to the increasing environmental sustainability through four cardinal principles: Innovative IT, Training, Information and Monitoring.

The partnerships

BWP Tower Hotel Bologna - Rating
Achievement of the sustainability rating of 4 out of 5 leaves.
A snapshot of the environmental performances evaluated in the areas of Energy, Water, Waste, Purchase and Behaviors.
Innovative partnership with Life Gate for a project of periodic reporting of environmental indicators, as: CO2 emissions, energy demand and water consumption.






The activities

Energy first of all!

In order to reduce the CO2 emissions, the hotel constantly monitors the building and the energetic consumptions thanks to an Energetic Smart Metering system. While the Energy Manager figure defines protocols and verifies implementation of environmental guidelines, in particular the energetic ones.


The sustainable actions:
• Sorted waste collection
• Purchases’ analysis and control to reduce wastefulnesses
• Purchase of biological or label products
• Water-save system
• Eco-save bulbs
• Biological corner at the breakfast buffett
• Promotion of public or shared transports

Conveying Green Love
Information and awareness campaigns concerning environmental sustainability have been activated for guests, staff, employees and suppliers. Believe in these values means to positively influence those around us
